Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Extremely Boring Day..........

Today, in fact, for the past three days, my pets have cooped me up in my outdoor kennel so I don't get in the way of their projects, such as: painting, new dirt in the beds, clean carpets, and a whole bunch of other things I really don't care about. I've been left with just my kitty PomPom, who doesn't show me very much affection. They do let me out in the evening when they are all done with their stuff. Then I get to play with my toys and show them all that I have done during the day: Nothing. Well, I can only hope that the next day will be more fun filled. Bye!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last night I was "Trusted" to sleep in the livingroom. That is one room away from my gated area. It just gets better and better. From the crate, to the room, and now slowly to the livingroom. They think I'm so well behaved........ 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bacon...Bacon... Do I smell Bacon!

This morning my pets had breakfast... eggs and bacon! I begged long and hard with no success.  Why didn't they give me just a nibble? 

Me and my Bone

Today I enjoyed part of my big bone my people gave me.  I tried to bury it but my hole was too small.  My only seasoning was some dirt- ummmm ummmm good.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

5/3/09 Beach Outing

Today my pets and I went to the state park to enjoy the sunshine. I started off by scaling a sandy cliff and jumping down it. It was a blast! I got to run around on the beach and play in the water, and to end it I got to go on a car ride. If I don't say myself, I think that this is one the best days ever!

Hi, I'm Bailey

Woof, my name is Bailey I'm a 2 year old purebred Bernese Mountain Dog. I live with my family: Jeff(driver), Erika(cook), Christina( personal trainer), and my Emily(my playmate), whom I love very much. I spend my time, sleeping, playing with my toys, taking walks on the beach, training, and lying outside in the shade. I have a pretty good life for a dog, so that is why I decided to start my very own blog and to show everyone what a life as a dog can be.