Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some more cute pictures of me!
Me and my friend Christina.
Aren't I gorgeous?
Fun at the beach.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas at my house

Just lounging.....


The first snow is always the best.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

More Pictures

New Pictures!

Lounging in bed.

Getting my close ups.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Update on myself!

Besides long walks on the beach, luxurious massages, and tasty treats, life isn't its best. I guess you could say that it was my fault, but really I was only protecting my turf. What happened was I got a little jealous and was very mean to Bella. When I got in trouble by momma I decided to be mean to her too. So the very next day my family had to give up Bella so I wouldn't be mean like that ever again. Luckily she was given to a nice home with 20 acres to roam, which in all reality was what she really wanted. In a good sense, I don't have a good reason to be jealous anymore, but it sure it sad not to have my playmate. Oh well, at least I'm getting last bites again!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bella up-date

Okay, here is the up date on the new dog. I have found out that she loves to bark, unlike me. Bella thinks that hawks and eagles are going to get the people, but I know better. Because of her the family has built a big backyard fence which not only contains her but also keeps me in too. The only good thing is that I have someone to play with me every time I get to go outside. It is totally fun, I love having a friend over every day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


This is my new sister and playmate. She is a 1 year old Great Pyrenees. She is my perfect size weighing only 104 lbs. Only one pound heavier then me. I've decided that she is worth keeping around, so I'm going to be nice and try not to misbehave when she attempts to steal my bones and toys......

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Oh no! My dad put an electric fence around the edge of the road. He says I'm guilty of the following crimes: going past boundries, running on the road, not listening to him, and barking at people as they go by. I mean really, what is wrong with all of that?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Formal picture of Bailey

Aren't I beautiful? I posed so nice for my photographer on this shoot. I do think I'm the prettiest dog ever!