Thursday, April 15, 2010


Oh no! My dad put an electric fence around the edge of the road. He says I'm guilty of the following crimes: going past boundries, running on the road, not listening to him, and barking at people as they go by. I mean really, what is wrong with all of that?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bailey .... Ah yes... the boundry pusher... we've dealt with a few of you not only at our own home, but also at work... you see sweet dog, you need to be reined in like this, or you may get hurt, you may hurt someone else, or you just may decide that there is more to offer on the other side of the road and never come back... welcome to life ! You have it good, stay put where you are and stop crossing the boundries ! I shall be bringing you another treat whenever I see you next !! :) Godd dog Bailey ! Good dog !
